Home page slideshow was 950 x 500, now 1140 x 600.
Secondary page slideshows were originally 950 x 600 and now 1140 x 720, aspect ratio 1.58333.
Original images you are currently uploading are aspect ratio 1.33333 and maximum size of 2560 x 1920 (scaled). Note: a different camera or phone may be a different aspect ratio. Because of this aspect ratio, the images, if not cropped, will display full height but not full width in the slide show. This will be fine in many cases.
However, I think a full width image is the best way to start a slideshow, and generally we want new images at the beginning of a slideshow, so my suggestion is to manually adjust one or more of the new images, especially if they don’t want to be cropped equally at top and bottom (which is what the slideshow will do).
To edit an image to be full width in a slideshow, scale it and crop it manually in the Media Library first. 1) Open it, scale it to 1140 wide by entering the width, click “Scale”, hit right and left arrows or “X” out and reopen, then 2) click crop (upper left), drag the upper or lower handle, fine-tune the height to 720 in the selection box (at right), click crop again, Save.
Advanced settings:
Smart crop is o.k. to leave for slideshows that will only have horizontal images all the same size (including the verticals that I created side-by-side as one image).
Disabled (smart pad) should be used when verticals are mixed with horizontals and in-betweens.
Contact Page
I used a “Custom HTML” block to insert the map, with the “share” “embed” “iframe” tag.
Appearance > Widgets
Where the sidebars are located.
The instructional pages I referenced on my website:
Use the arrow keys to fine-tune cursor location, especially to determine if you are outside or inside of a link.
Check/proof your work on multiple devices when you are done.